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Cathedral School, Llandaff, Cardiff · Mar 11, 2016

Please come back!!!!!! John visited us for 2 days working with KS2 and we loved every second of it. The biography workshops were a massive hit with upper KS2, we now know what every pupil in years 5 and 6 like to eat and all of their hobbies. Years 3 and 4 produced imaginative myths with armadillos and falcons running amok. All feedback has been superb and we look forward to seeing John soon.

Grosvenor Park Primary School · Mar 8, 2016

Thank you for sharing World Book Day with us, John.
The staff and children all enjoyed meeting and working with you.
We are also delighted to now have your books in our library as a lasting memento.
Thank you again for a fantastic day!

Pinfold Street Primary School · Mar 18, 2015

John visited our school as part of our World Book Day celebrations. He introduced himself at the start of the day in our assembly and worked with EYFS, KS1 and KS2 throughout the day. The pupils really enjoyed working with John and the staff were very pleased with the sessions that he carried out. John even made a small video clip for us before he left to introduce our next writing competition and all the pupils and staff were happy with their signed books! A fantastic day John - thank you!

N Smallwood All Saints' CE Cockermouth · Feb 3, 2015

John visited our school for 2 days spending a day with Nursery, Reception and KS1 and a day working with KS2. He was very flexible and we timetabled the day so that all children were involved and it covered what we wanted. The children really enjoyed working with John, listening to stories, learning about the journey of a non-fiction book and produced some good work when writing biographies.

M Hogg- School Librarian Ashton on Mersey School · Nov 25, 2014

John visited our school, over 4 days, in June and July this year.
In particular, the lower sets of students were absolutely enthralled with John's role-play and uniform. The students were motivated by interacting with John and once they understood the process of role-play and drama, enhanced by letter writing activities, the students enjoyed the workshops.

Dave Catt - St Berteline's Primary · Nov 20, 2014

Thank you John for a fantastic day! The children were completely engrossed and all (including the staff!) had a brilliant day.
You brought real stories of WW1 to life in a lively, fun and moving way. We are all inspired to find out more! Thank you very much.

St Luke's C of E · Oct 15, 2014

A fantastic day. Children were spell bound! John really brought to life Corporal Horsnell and gave superb insight into the life of a World War 1 soldier. Thoroughly enjoyable and well recommended. Thank you.

Mrs Hawthorne (James Bateman) · Oct 10, 2014

John’s visit to James Bateman was brilliant. He engaged the children beautifully through a very impassioned monologue.
I would definitely recommend the WW1 visit if you are embarking upon a related topic in school.
Thank you John from all of us here at JBJHS.

Kevin Knox · Oct 9, 2014

The children were captivated by the dress, letters and story of Corporal Horsnell. A great insight into WWI from a real boots on the ground perspective.
Thanks again!

Melanie McKay · Sept 12, 2014

What a wonderful day! Both the children and teachers gained a great insight into Corporal Frederick Horsnell's life in World War 1. What an honour to hear some real letters being read out too. The children enjoyed receiving their signed copies of your books.
Many thanks!

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