'Welcome to our school'
A narrative script
Let your children introduce me
Here's a great idea from Norton Community Primary School, Malton, North Yorkshire.
Instead of a member of staff introducing me to the school, a group of children did. They came to the front of the hall and read out a few lines of welcome. Then, at the end of the session, more children came to the front with closing words.
Here's the script the children had prepared in preparation for my visit. It might give you a few ideas for how to set your own children a similar task.
Welcome script
Cody: John Malam has travelled all the way from Cheshire to talk to us today. John writes books, mainly non-fiction.
Faeeza: When he was in Year 5, at Warstones School, he discovered the book he couldn't put down. This was an historical book called The Silver Sword.
Maisy: As well as being an author. John has worked as an archaeologist and editor.
Jacob: So we would like to introduce you to the man himself, John Malam!
Thank-you script
Jasmine: We would like to thank John Malam for his visit and his time.
Euan: We are very lucky to have him here today, and we have learned a lot.
Jasmine: So let's give him a big round of applause.
Thank you Norton CP School for a brilliant visit – and for letting me put your script on my website for other schools to see. You were the first school to do this, and I was very impressed!
It's catching ...
Good ideas are certainly worth sharing, and other schools now let their children introduce me.
Here's the script from Hyrstmount Junior School, Batley, West Yorkshire.
Welcome script
Reader: As you know from last week's assembly, Class 4 have been finding out about author John Malam.
Reader: And today, we are very lucky because here he is, ready to work with our school!
Reader: We already know that he loved history at school, that he became an archaeologist, an editor, and then a writer.
Reader: We already know that he likes school dinners!
Reader: But, I wonder what else we will learn about him today? Let's find out as we hand over to John Malam, the non-fiction author.
Thank-you script
Reader: Thank-you John for sharing so much information with us. I am sure that many of us would like to follow in your footsteps and write books ourselves.
Reader: To show our thanks, can we give John a huge round of applause.